Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Tomorrow we head to Pittsburgh, PA for Kelli and Mike's wedding!!!!!!!!!!!! Should be interesting traveling in a minivan with 4 adults and 2 young children. Prayers, please!

Monday, January 25, 2010

ALL things.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose. (Romans 8:28)

This verse has become so important to me. Everyone knows what it says; it is quoted over and over again...but only relatively recently have a truly grasped the meaning of it.

And we know that ALL THINGS work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose.

Not some things. Not most things. All things. Even when it seems irreconcilable, all things are working together for good to those who love God.

I love God. So all things--ALL THINGS!!!--are working together for my good.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Problem With Computers

The problem with computers is that you don't expect a brand new computer to die after less than 2 weeks...and therefore you don't feel compelled to back up your photos right away.


All of Lily's 3 month photos that I took were on the computer we bought at the beginning of the month that DIED!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!

So today, despite the fact that she is closer to 4 months than 3, we re-did Lily's 3 month photos. Thankfully, they turned out well!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thanks, Bo!

Bo decided to help me out today, and it was soooo appreciated! He went to the store for me, got me a present, and brought me chocolate....not to mention helping me clean the house :)

I apologize in advance.

I would advise you all to stop reading now, because really this is just going to be an unpleasantly whiny blog entry. It's really just for my own whiny enjoyment.

The last few days...ok the last 2 weeks...have just been rough. It just seems like I can't get it together. Jack has been a trial, I forget important things, both kids have been sick and on antibiotics, I have lost my keys twice (once resulting in my whole morning of plans being canceled), etc. Also, Bo has to work tomorrow (Saturday) and is therefore supposed to get 3 hours off to make up for it during the week. But he decided not to do that.

So, this week is crappy.
That is all.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My poor little man.

Jackson is sick again. The poor kid just got over an ear infection and cold last week, and now he has another ear infection and some sort of upper respiratory infection. He has a fever and a cough and a runny nose and a hurting ear. :( He is such a trooper; he hardly complains, but sometimes it is pretty obvious that he's not feeling right now. He just woke up from his nap, crying and distraught, calling for Mommy and Daddy. I calmed him down with some juice and Elmo. He told me Elmo makes him feel better.

It has been over a month since everyone in our house has been healthy. First Jack, Lily and I all got a terrible cold (his with an ear infection), then Jack got a stomach bug, then I got the stomach bug, then Jack got another cold and another ear infection, then Lily got sick with an upper respiratory infection and an ear infection, now Jack is sick again and has ANOTHER ear infection! We are going to the ENT in early February for a checkup, and I am going to beg him for tubes. My poor little guy has had 5 ear infections since July.

I'm just praying that we are all healthy for the wedding next week!!! :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Okay, so we are Lost junkies (thanks, Huckabees! haha!). We have spent the last 4 months or so catching up on the entire show, and today, 2 weeks and 2 days before the season 6 premiere, we finished season 5. I do not know what to do with myself. WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!?! This show is blowing my mind and now I have to WAIT?! I need rehab.

What's the deal with technology, anyway?

So, 12 days ago we bought a new computer. Yesterday, it died.

Bo and I were just minding our own business, watching Lost via, when the computer decided to restart itself. We thought it was weird and figured we'd need to have it looked at, but otherwise just went about our business.

A few minutes later it happened again...and before we could even get the thing rebooted, it did it again...and then never started up all the way again.

Thankfully, hhgregg's return policy gives us a window of 15 days, and it had only been 11, so today Bo returned the hunk of junk (RIP, Toshiba), and got an amazing discount on a new Sony VAIO. WOOP WOOP! hhgregg is trying to compete with Best Buy (the local king), so they are definitely willing to help a sister out. Although they did try to charge us a 20% restocking fee. But we nixed that reeeeeal quickly.

Oh, and the new computer is pink. Rock on.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Checking out preschools

It's that time...Jack is 3 years old and we have begun looking at preschools for the fall! We looked at one this past Thursday and have 2 more tours scheduled. Jack is very excited about it all! On Thursday, he asked me if he could wear his tie to preschool, and he wanted to bring his notebook too. So precious; that gave me quite the lump in my throat. My sweet little boy.

It's happening!

Kelli's wedding has officially been moved to January 30!!!! They are going to have a small ceremony in Pittsburgh at a GORGEOUS venue, the Mansion at Maple Heights.

We are all really excited for her and Mike! The most awesome thing is that, despite the short notice, they will still be able to have everything the way they want. Kelli's dress is chosen and altered, the bridesmaids' dresses and shoes are purchased, everything is working out perfectly, down to the fact that I purchased a suit for Jack today for $4!

They are still planning to have a big party on June 5, the original wedding date, so we get to party twice. :) I am so happy for my little sis because she is soooo happy!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Casey and I got Dell and Bo tickets to see the Ultimate Fighting Championship live. It was so much more fun than I anticipated! And I have just one thing more thing to say:

"Let's go Amiiiiiiiiiiiir!!!!!" *insane clapping*


"I'm not so sure about this..."

You're welcome for the awesome Christmas present.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jackson's quote of the day for January 9, 2010

Eryn: "Jack, do you know Mommy's name?"

Jack: "Yeah. It's Eryn."

Eryn: "That's right! Do you know Daddy's name?"

Jack: "Yeah, it's Daddy."

Eryn: "You know Daddy's name!"

Jack: "Daddy! And Sir."


Yesterday, Kelli was ordering Thai food for us...

"2 drunken noodles with chicken, medium spiciness."

Jack was a little confused...

"Medium spicy nips?"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Playing with Photos

I played around with editing the brightness and contrast of some of Lily's 3 month photos I took yesterday. :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So far today...

Jack has another ear infection, Lily has green poop, I got bleach on my pants (last time I clean bathrooms! ha!), we were 10 minutes late to Jack's doctor appointment, and Jack had a 5 minute nap, followed by a tears-and-snot-filled tantrum. Never a dull moment. :)

A quiet morning with my littlest

Lily has a terrible cold and did not sleep much last night, so I decided to stay home from CBS (Bible study) today while my mom took Jack. I miss my little man, but it is so nice to have these occasional one-on-one times with my best girl! Lily is three months old today, and is just everything I could have asked for and more in a little girl. I can't believe how quickly the last three months have flown by! If that went that quickly, then in no time she'll be 6 months, and then...a year! And soon she'll be chasing after her big brother. I really sincerely wish sometimes that there was a way to push "pause." Just for a little while, just so I can hold her a few extra hours and hear her sweet cooing just a couple more times before she's too big and wiggly to hold and before she starts saying things like "What the pickle?!"

Monday, January 4, 2010


Our pipes burst this weekend. WOW was that never realize how much water you use, until you don't have any!!!! Not to mention the fact that our landlord just does not care, as is the case with most landlords, unfortunately. The good thing about the fact that we are renting, though, is that we don't have to pay for the repairs. YAY!

In other news, Lily has slept 11+ hours the last 5 nights in a row. I'm thinking this is becoming permanent and I love it! She had consistently been sleeping about 9 hours but this past week she jumped to 11. I am not complaining! As we speak, she is napping like an angel in the next room. :)

I took Jack outside while Lily was napping this morning, despite the FRIGID temperature. He really wanted to go outside, so we bundled up and out we went. We played on the swingset for a while until he complained that his hands were cold.
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers