Wednesday, October 20, 2010

DWW 2010

Tomorrow, Mom, Casey, Kelli, Caitlyn, Rachel, and I head out for DeLille Women's Weekend 2010! My dad and Bo will have the kids all weekend, so please keep them in prayer.... :)

So far, the tentative plans include a Chris Tomlin concert, a trip to an apple orchard, wine tasting, and lots of goofing around. I can't wait!

I will definitely miss these faces though...

Monday, October 11, 2010


Faux Summer, that is.
The high today was 89! No humidity; just beautiful. We spent the morning at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens, one of our favorite spots.

I love love love Virginia springs and falls. Summer is okay, and winter beats the heck out of any winters north of here. I love my home!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Baby Girl is ONE!

On October 6, Lily Linda-Mae turned one year old. We celebrated with family and chocolate cake! She loved it.

Mommy and Daddy got her some cool toys and a bunch of books!

Aunts Rebekah and Temima gave her some sweet little trinkets, and Aunt Casey gave her a precious ballerina teddy bear.

Grandma and Grandpa gave her an awesome pink and purple tricycle!! They also gave her an adorable outfit. :)

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers